The Last Judgement The Revelation 2012

 750x150x90 cm, installation mixed media.

 In addition to an indictment this is a call for self-reflection. An object packed with symbolism in several layers. A beautiful work within its theme. In the most literal sense, The Last Judgment is about opposites: good and evil, rich and poor, left and right, sin and goodness. The coal ash extinguishers* stand in a row and mark the boundary between two sides: good and evil.

The seven flies on the mirrors on the left symbolize the seven deadly sins: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira and Acedia. The kneeling angels (gold leaf, cardboard from France, 1865), these are the incarnation of God’s messengers that appear to reveal future events. In a metaphorical sense the extinguishers* stand for concealing and hiding sin, and they are pushed open by the innocent hands of victims. By this apocalypses the silence is broken and that what was covered comes to the fore. They reveal themselves to the world with the injustice done to them. Under the object is a base of mirrors. They protect against evil and symbolize judgment. Arnix thus suggests that you cannot look at good and evil without looking at yourself and seeing it.


* In Dutch, the word for coal fire ash extinguishers (doofpot) also stands for hushing something up.